Sumitomo Drive Technologies

Sumitomo Drive Technologies has been trusted for over 130 years to provide quality products and innovative solutions to help our customers solve their complex challenges. This rich history has made us a leading manufacturer of power transmission and control products in a wide variety of applications for leading brands around the globe.

Domestic Sumitomo Drive Technologies Group

  • Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.
  • Sumitomo Heavy Industries Gearbox Co., Ltd.
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Sumitomo Drive Technologies

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Domestic Sumitomo Drive Technologies Group

Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.

An all-around machinery manufacturer engaged in the production of general industrial machinery, precision machinery, construction machinery, ships, environmental plant facilities, and other products.

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Sumitomo Heavy Industries Gearbox Co., Ltd.

A production and sales company for large-size gear reducers, gear reducers for special applications, couplings, and other products.

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Corporate Brochure

Sumitomo Drive Technologies has over 20 facilities dedicated to serving the growing gearbox markets across North and South America.  Click here to learn more about our facilities, corporate capabilities, or breadth and depth of our product offerings. 


Harness more than 80 years of knowledge in the power transmission and controls industry. Our sales and service teams worldwide work seamlessly to create the reliable solutions that you need. Contact our experts today.